Invited lectures/workshops

  • Workshop "Archaeo - Bio Open Lab": Two distinct presentations by: Despοina Vassou and Eugenia Tabakaki.Τhe workshop was implemented in the context of the International Museum Day 2023 "Museums, Sustainability and Quality of Life", Archaeological Museum of Arta, Arta, 18 and 19 May 2023

  • “Written' on bones: Reconstructing past population life-histories through skeletal analysis", Online lPresentation given by Nafplioti Argyro, in the context of seminar series ON-LINE ARCHAEOLOGY LECTURES SERIES, WINTER-SPRING 2022, A look into Prehistoric Crete everyday life, Stegi Vitsentzos Kornaros, Wednesday, 23 March 2022

  • “Ancient mitogenomics of the extinct Cypriot pygmy hippopotamus”, Presentation given by Nikolaos Psonis, STAVROS NIARCHOS FOUNDATION – FORTH ARCHERS FINAL (VIRTUAL) CONFERENCE, Foundation for Research and Technology, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 6-8 December 2021 

  • “Ancient DNA Analysis: a novel approach in Cultural Heritage”, Presentation given by Nikos Psonis, Workshop OPTO-CH 2019 meets POLITEIA II, Foundation for Research and Technology, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 6 June 2019

  • “Ancient DNA Analysis”, Three separate presentations given by Dimitris Kafetzopoulos, Despoina Vassou, and Nikolaos Psonis, Pre-conference workshop during the 26th annual CIDOC - ICOM Conference, Cultural Conference Centre of Heraklion, Crete, Greece, September 30, 2018

  • “Ancient DNA Applications and Perspectives” Nikolaos Psonis, ΙΜΒΒ Joint Colloquia, Heraklion, February 16, 2018 (video)

  • “Ancient DNA: a window to the Past and Future”, Dimitris Kafetzopoulos,“ORIGINS: Towards a New, Multidisciplinary ESFRI Research Infrastructure for the Evolution, Environment, Heritage, Identity and Diversity of Humans, throughout their Existence”, Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, July 30, 2015

  • “Methods & procedures for targeted enrichment and sequence characterization of ancient DNA specimens”, D. Kafetzopoulos, C. Zoumadakis, E. Stratidaki, G. Papagiannakis, 6th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry, Athens, May 16-18, 2013


Seminar presentations

  • “The complexity of aDNA studies and the importance of contextual information” presentation given by Eugenia Tabakaki, The 2nd VRE Workshop of ARIADNEplus: Ancient DNA and Environmental Data and Research, 6th May 2021

  • Webinar: "Archaeogenetics under”,  Two presentations given by Despoina Vassou and Eugenia Tabakaki (PDF), 24 September 2020

  • “Parallel and complementary approaches in modern bioarchaeological research”, Three presentations given by Dimitris Kafetzopoulos, Argyro Nafplioti and Nikolaos Psonis. Foundation for Research and Technology, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 3 October 2018

  • “Towards the Establishment of the Archaeogenetics Research Infrastructure: Development of Technologies, Methodologies, Services, Collaborations & Synergies” D. Kafetzopoulos, HELLAS-CH Kick-off meeting, Herakleion, March 1-2, 2018

  • “Integration of Biology into the Cultural Heritage knowledge system” Dimitris Kafetzopoulos, Workshop on Sustainable solutions for restoration & conservation of cultural heritage E-MRS, May 11, 2015

  • “Multidisciplinary Approaches, Accelerating Developments in Archeogenetics & Paleontology”, D. Kafetzopoulos, International Conference on Research Infrastructures, ICRI, Proposal preparation for including E-RIHS in 2016 ESFRI Roadmap, Ministry of Culture, Rome, Italy, Nov 16, 2014, Athens April 2-4, 2014

Teaching activities

  • Class teaching : Psonis N. “BIOL-455DEM: Analysis of Ancient Genomes: Study of the Past and Human Evolution”, within the framework of the program: Acquisition of academic teaching experience to young scientists holding a PhD, Spring Semester, Department of Biology, University of Crete, 2023-2025

  • Annual Lecture: Nafplioti A.,“Population movements and geographical origin: biogeochemical analyses of skeletal remains” Postgraduate M.Sc. Program of IPPS "History of Medicine", History of medicine and biological anthropology: health, disease and natural selection, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2022 – 2024  

  • Lecture: Nafplioti A.,"Provenance and Residential Mobility using biogeochemical analysis of skeletal remains" : Postgraduate M.Sc. Program "Forensic Medicine, Anthropology and Imaging", University of Crete, Greece, 2. 12. 04 2024

  • Annual Lecture: Psonis N.“Ancient DNA and applications”, Postgraduate M.Sc. Program "New Technologies in Environmental research", Postgraduate M.Sc. Program "Environmental biology", Biology Department, University of Crete, Greece, 2019 – 2025

  • Annual Lecture:  Psonis N. “Ancient DNA and applications” online lecture, in the context of seminar series for graduate students of the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cyprus, Cyprus, 31 March 2021

  • Lecture: Psonis N.“Α general introduction to ancient DNA analysis” online lecture in the context of the Aegean Seminars for Computational Ecology and Evolution, 28 April 2021

  • Practical Course: Psonis N."Ancient DNA Bioinformatics" One-day practical course by Nikolaos Psonis during the "Aegean seminars for computational ecology and evolution", Izmir, Turkey, 16-22 September, 2018


Public engagement 

  • Participation of Nikolaos Psonis through conversation and exchange of views with school students from the Regional Unit of Chania in the context of the Educational action in nature and history: ““Biodiversity and geodiversity in Stavros Akrotiri from the past to the present - impact of climate change” which took place in Akrotiri, Chania, April 12, 2024

  • Participation of Nikolaos Psonis through conversation and exchange of views with school students from the Regional Unit of Chania as part of the Educational action in nature and history: Tracing the Past that took place on the banks of the Koiliaris River in Stylos, Apokoronas, April 4, 2023

  •  “Evaluation of Research and Innovation Actions NSRF 2007 – 2013 of the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation”

    Participation of the aDNA lab in the two-day workshop "Protection and Promotion of the Greek Cultural Heritage" was held in the framework of the interconnection of the institutions with the Greek Culture ("Evaluation of NSRF 2007-2013 Research and Innovation Actions of the "Research and Development Evaluation of Research and Innovation 2007-2013"), at the National Research Foundation, Athens April 2-3 2024

  • 40th anniversary of FORTH

    In the context of FORTH's 40th anniversary celebrations, the aDNA lab participated in a special Exhibition of Scientific Achievements of the Institutes and Structures of the Foundation, held at the Basilica of St Mark's in Heraklion, Crete, 9 December to 17 December 2023, open to the public.
    The Lab's participation was entitled "The new world of ancient DNA science" and was accompanied by a visual, other display material.

  • Annual lecture: Psonis N. “Ancient DNA and applications” lecture in the context of the Environmental Course: "Tracing the Past", Environmental Education Program, 7th High School of Chania, Greece, 2021 – 2022

  • European Researchers’ Night 2019 -24

    The Researchers' Night events were held (September, 2019 - 2024), at FORTH premises with the active participation of the aDNA research Lab. The members of the Lab focused on the aDNA thematic research area with high interest for the general public. Applications and technologies from the field were presented during the event. The main aim of the event was to engage the public with research and, in particular, to stimulate youth and students participate in interactive scientific activities organised especially for the purpose of the event.

  • European Researchers’ Night Chat LAb 2022

    Participation to the Chat Lab :a live online chat with young students and Researchers about aDNA research."Why does our belly hurt when we drink milk" - Milk and its culture, from the point of view of archaeogenetic studies and human evolution". Presentation by Eugenia Tabakaki, Greece 6. Oct. 2022  
  • European Researchers’ Night 2018

    Participation to the "European Researcher's Night", September 28, 2018, which was organized in the premises of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), Heraklion. The aDNA Lab participated in the theatrical play "for a cent.." The theatrical play was a journey of discovery, science, history and myth. The protagonists of the show were four skeletons (performers) of ancient ancestors who dance, sing, entertain and narrate the stories of their afterlife. The play was written by Eugenia Tabakaki.

  • European Researchers’ Night 2017

    Participation to the "European Researcher's Night", September 29, 2017, which was organized in the premises of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), Heraklion. The aDNA Lab participated in the interactive presentation entitled “Tea with Albert and Marie”. In an informal discussion at a café in Paris, two world renowned scientists, Albert Einstein and Marie Sklodowska-Curie discuss their work, life achievements and their dreams. The play was written by Eugenia Tabakaki.

  • European Researchers’ Night 2016

    Participation to the "European Researcher's Night", (September 30, 2016), which was organized in the premises of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), Heraklion. Presentation of the aDNA Lab in the context of Cultural Heritage at FORTH.

  • Colorbook : Adventures in Archaeological Science - 2017 (Translation in Greek) 

    Christina Warinner (editor), Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, 24 November 2017, Jena, Germany, 15 pages. [Translation From English to Greek by Nikos Psonis]
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