1. Δημοσιεύσεις σε περιοδικά με κρίση

      1. Bettisworth B, Psonis N, Poulakakis N, Pavlidis P, Stamatakis A. Read Length Dominates Phylogenetic Placement Accuracy of Ancient DNA Reads. Mol Biol Evol. 2025 Jan 17:msaf006, (get paper here)

      2. Psonis Nikolaos, Vassou Despoina, Nafplioti Argyro, Tabakaki Eugenia, Pavlidis Pavlos, Stamatakis Alexandros and Poulakakis Nikos, "Identification of the 18 World War II executed citizens of Adele, Rethymnon, Crete using an ancient DNA approach and low coverage genomes", Forensic Science International: Genetics,71(2024):103060, (get paper here)

      3. Nafplioti, A. "Eating like the Elite at Neo-Palatial Knosos", Oxford Journal of Archaeology. Volume 43, Issue 3, (2024): 278-291 (get paper here)

      4. Koptekin D., Yüncü E., Rodríguez-Varela R., Altınışık N.E., Psonis N., Kashuba N., Yorulmaz S., George R., Kazancı D.D., Kaptan D., Gürün K., Vural K.B., Gemici H.C., Vassou D., Daskalaki E., Karamurat C, Lagerholm V.K., Erdal Ö.D., Kırdök E., Marangoni A., Schachner A., Üstündağ H., Shengelia R., Bitadze L., Elashvili M., Stravopodi E., Özbaşaran M., Duru G., Nafplioti A., Rose C.B., Gencer T., Darbyshire G., Gavashelishvili A., Pitskhelauri K., Çevik Ö., Vuruşkan O., Kyparissi-Apostolika N., Büyükkarakaya A.M., Oğuzhanoğlu U., Günel S., Tabakaki E., Aliev A., Ibrahimov A., Shadlinski V., Sampson A., Kılınç G.M., Atakuman Ç., Stamatakis A., Poulakakis N., Erdal Y.S., Pavlidis P., Storå J., Özer F., Götherström A., & Somel M., "Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in human mobility patterns in Holocene Southwest Asia and the East Mediterranean", Current Biology, 33:1 (2023): 41-57 (get paper here)Εκλαϊκευμένη περίληψη της δημοσίευσης "Αρχαιογενετική μελέτη της ποικιλότητας του ανθρώπου στη Δυτική Ασία και Ανατολική Μεσόγειο" από το Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο Ελληνικής Οικολογικής Εταιρίας, Ιανουάριος 2023 (PDF)

      5. Psonis N., Vardinoyannis K., & Poulakakis N. "High-throughput degraded DNA sequencing of subfossil shells of a critically endangered stenoendemic land snail in the Aegean", Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 175 (2022) 107561 (get paper here
        Εκλαϊκευμένη περίληψη της δημοσίευσης από το Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο Ελληνικής Οικολογικής Εταιρίας, Ιούλιος 2022 (PDF)

      6. Psonis N., Vassou D., Nicolaou L., Roussiakis S., Iliopoulos G., Poulakakis N., & Sfenthourakis S., "Mitochondrial sequences of the extinct Cypriot pygmy hippopotamus confirm its phylogenetic placement", Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, (published online 2021), 3:196 (2022): 979-989 (get paper here
        Εκλαϊκευμένη περίληψη της δημοσίευσης από το Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο Ελληνικής Οικολογικής Εταιρίας, Ιανουάριος 2022 (PDF)

      7. Nafplioti Α., "Μoving forward: Strodium isotope mobility research in the Aegean", Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 21:2 (2021): 165-179, (get paper here)

      8. Staikou V., Sianis D.P., Vassou D., Psonis N., Allentoft M., & Iliopoulos G., "Middle Helladic Tombs at Nydri Plain, Lefkas Island. An Archaeological and Paleoanthropological Study", Journal of Greek Archaeology, 6 (2021): 43–59, (get paper here)

      9. Psonis N., Vassou D. & Kafetzopoulos D., "Testing a series of modifications on genomic library preparation methods for ancient or degraded DNA", Analytical Biochemistry, 623 (2021) 114193 (get paper here)

      10. Psonis Ν., de Carvalho C.N., Figueiredo S., Tabakaki E., Vassou D., Poulakakis N. & Kafetzopoulos D., "Molecular identification and geographic origin of a post-Medieval elephant finding from southwestern Portugal using high-throughput sequencing", Scientific Reports, 10 (2020) 19252 (get paper here)


2. Παρουσιάσεις σε Συνέδρια

      1. Papadopoulou A., Psonis N., Vassou D., Tabakaki E., Koptekin D., Neuenschwander S., Rodríguez-Varela R., Anchieri L., Hübner L., Papadantonakis S., Nafplioti A., Koursioti S., Stravopodi E., Kontaxi C., Aravantinos L.V., Kyparissi-Apostolika N., Yılmaz Y. , Yorulmaz S., Daskalaki E., Allentoft M., Götherström A., Özer F., Somel M., Pavlidis P., Stamatakis A., Malaspinas A.S., Poulakakis N. “The genetic history of Neolithic to Bronze Age Aegean at the crossroad between Anatolia and Europe”. Annual meeting for the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution (SMBE), Symposium 'Paleogenomics and human evolutionary history: new insights and novel methods', Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 07-11 July 2024 (Αναρτημένη ανακοίνωση).

      2. Papadopoulou A., Psonis N., Vassou D., Tabakaki E., Koptekin D., Neuenschwander S., Rodríguez-Varela R., Anchieri L., Hübner L., Papadantonakis S., Nafplioti A., Koursioti S.,Stravopodi E., Kontaxi C., Aravantinos L.V., Kyparissi-Apostolika N., Yılmaz Y. , Yorulmaz S., Daskalaki E., Allentoft M., Götherström A., Özer F., Somel M., Pavlidis P., Stamatakis A., Malaspinas A.S., Poulakakis N. “The genetic history of Neolithic to Bronze Age Aegean at the crossroad between Anatolia and Europe”. EMBL Symposium - Reconstructing the human past: using ancient and modern genomics, Heidelberg, Germany, 17-20 September2024 (Αναρτημένη ανακοίνωση).

      3. Argyro Nafplioti, T. Rowan McLaughlin, Caroline Malone, Tamsin O’Connell, Simon Stoddart, "Early settlers on the Maltese islands: An isotopic investigation of diet, provenance and residential mobility", 29th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), Belfast, Ireland on 30 August – 2 September 2023 (προφορική ανακοίνωση)

      4. Argyro Nafplioti,"Isotopic mobility research: Let us pause and reflect", 28th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA),Budapest, 31 August – 3 September 2023 (προφορική ανακοίνωση)

      5. Argyro Nafplioti , Dimitra Michael, Linda Fibiger, Barry Molloy, "Population biological distance, connectivity and interaction in Bronze Age and Protogeometric Crete: integrated biological and material culture approaches", 13th International Congress of Cretan Studies, 5-9/10/2022 (προφορική ανακοίνωση)

      6. Vassou D., Psonis N., Tabakaki E., Koursioti S., Papakosta D., Xanthopoulos K., Papadopoulou V.N., Tsetsos F., Galanis A., Papagerogopoulou C., Nafplioti A., Pavlidis P., Stamatakis A., & Poulakakis N. "Human genomes from Ancient Amvrakia, Epirus, north-western Greece". 15th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, Mytilini, Greece, 12-15 October 2022.

      7. Psonis N., Vassou D., Kontaxi C., Stravopodi E., Tabakaki E., Nafplioti A., Pavlidis P., Stamatakis A., & Poulakakis N. "Ancient DNA confirms the presence of aurochs (Bos primigenius) in Neolithic Greece". 15th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, Μυτιλήνη, Ελλάδα, 12-15 Οκτωβρίου 2022.

      8. Mavridou D., Τsafaras S, Karyati E., Vassou D., Tabakaki E., Psonis N., Papageorgopoulou C., Xatnthopoulos K., Georgiadou A., Aidonis A., Papadopoulou V., Vasios A., Papakosta D., Korka E., Evaggeloglou P., Christidis I., Ioannou M., & Panailidis P., "Museum Archaeo-Bio Open Lab experience using new technologies and interactive multimedia applications". 26th ICOM General Conference, Πράγα, Τσεχία, 20-28 Αυγούστου 2022.

      9. Theodoridou M., Vassou D., Felicetti A., Tabakaki E., Psonis N., & Kafetzopoulos D., "Forth to the past: Modeling Complex Scientific Ancient DNA Protocols", 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Widening Horizons (Εικονικό Συνέδριο), Κίελο, Γερμανία, 06-11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021. (Προφορική Παρουσίαση) 

      10. Molloy B., Fibiger L., Michael D., Nafplioti A,. "Taking The Pulse Of Biomolecular And Bioarchaeological Insights Into Mobility And Change Ca. 1200 BC In Southeastern Europe", 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Widening Horizons (Virtual Conference), Kiel, Germany, 06-11 September 2021 (προφορική ανακοίνωση)

      11. Argyro Nafplioti, "Life and Death at Early Neolithic Katsambas on Crete", Τhe 8th Conference in Aegean Archaeology, Warsaw,23-25/06 2021 (προφορική ανακοίνωση)

      12. Molloy B., Fibiger L., Michael D., & Nafplioti A,. "Taking The Pulse Of Biomolecular And Bioarchaeological Insights Into Mobility And Change Ca. 1200 BC In Southeastern Europe", 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Widening Horizons (Virtual Conference), Κίελο, Γερμανία, 06-11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021 (Προφορική Παρουσίαση)

      13. Psonis N., Vassou D., Tabakaki E., Stravopodi E., & Kafetzopoulos D., "Early Bronze Age Aegean Genomes From Perachora Cave, Corinth, Greece", 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Widening Horizons (Εικονικό Συνέδριο), Κίελο, Γερμανία, 06-11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021 (Αναρτημένη ανακοίνωση - poster)

      14. Psonis N., Vassou D., Nicolaou L., Poulakakis N., Roussiakis S., Iliopoulos G., Sfenthourakis S. & Kafetzopoulos D., "Mitogenomics of the extinct Cyprus dwarf hippopotamus. Ancient Biomolecules of Plants, Animals, and Microbes" (Εικονικό Συνέδριο), Wellcome Genome Campus, Μ.Βρετανία, 29-31 Μαρτίου 2021

      15. Patramanis I., Tabakaki E., Vassou D., Psonis N., Papadopoulou V., Pavlidis P. & Kafetzopoulos D., "Dynamic demographic models for the study of the second Greek colonization (8th - 6th century BCE)", Συνέδριο "Reconstructing the Human Past - Using Ancient and Modern Genomics", EMBL Χαϊδελβέργη, Γερμανία, 31 Μαρτίου - 3 Απριλίου 2019


3. Δημοσιεύσεις σε Πρακτικά Συνεδρίων

      1. Tabakaki E., & Kafetzopoulos D., “Heritage considerations and challenges from ancient DNA analysis: a preliminary approach expanding from the Greek legal and ethical network”, in Proceedings IMaTTe 2017 International conference on the values of tangible heritage, Lisbon, May 29-30, 2017. LNEC: Lisboa. ISBN 9789724922959

